A guide to keep you informed about the night sky over Oneonta, NY, brought to you by the astronomer at the SUNY College at Oneonta.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Eclipse Update

After reviewing an interactive and animated web tool called Shadow & Substance, it appears that Oneonta may not get to experience even a partial solar eclipse on May 20 after all. It seems we are just a bit too far east. I had hoped that our altitude might help to override this, but it looks like that may not be the case. At any rate, this will not stop me, and should not stop YOU, from keeping an eye on the Sun as it approaches the horizon. Right at the point of sunset it may be possible to see the slightest piece of the Sun become obscured by the Moon. Try to find a place up in the hills that has a clear view of the western horizon (no trees). If you miss it, then wait until August 2017! There will be a partial solar eclipse visible from Oneonta for sure. Venus is beginning to set earlier and earlier in the evening now. It has passed its greatest elongation and is not heading down into the glare of the Sun. On June 5th it will transit in front of the Sun, with first contact occurring at about 6:10 p.m. EDT. I will write about this in more detail as the date gets closer. In the meantime, pray for clear skies!
Saturn is continuing to be a stunning sight through most telescopes. With its rings tilted at a 13-degree angle to our light of sight, they are easily spotted. During our most recent public observing night at College Camp, the air was still enough that even the Cassini division was visible in the 16-inch telescope, along with 4 moons (Titan, Tethys, Rhea, and Dione).
What a beautiful vision! Every person who views Saturn through a telescope when the seeing is good remarks how it looks just as if it were a picture held up at the other end of the telescope. Watch Saturn's moons from night to night to see how their positions change. The semester is coming to a conclusion this week, so I'm busy preparing reports and final grades. Once this has died down, I will be back with another post. Happy viewing!

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